
A chat with... anu

The DJ and illustrator's new film 'Mystery Item' screens at RALLY 2024.

We sat down with DJ, producer, illustrator and animator anu ahead of RALLY, where the artist will be showcasing a new animated short film ‘Mystery Item' as well as performing b2b with 404 eros on the Mill House Stage.

Screening on the Channel Stage with a score by Sigourney Watson, ‘Mystery Prize’ is about those many tiny worlds that exist in each of us, and how accepting ourselves can be the perfect portal for building togetherness, communities and love with others – something pretty close to our hearts here at RALLY.

anu spoke to us about her creative practice, the thought behind her latest work, and what we can expect from the intimate back-to-back in our new stage.


At RALLY we’re all about connectivity and togetherness! It feels so important right now to work to accept others… is love the core of community?

Ultimately yes. I think leading with an open heart and mind, with selflessness at the core is the key to actual community. The ego must be removed!

We reckon music and art are such a natural fit - and both form such an important part of our programme. What relationship does animation / visual art have with your music?

Music and visual art go hand in hand when I’m creating. A lot of my artistic practice is based around character building, so I like to imagine what the character is listening to which informs a lot of who they are. Music really helps to build a richer world when creating a character.  With animation, you have even more control over this, as you’re actually able to use music and it plays an important role in world building. Sigourney somehow managed to capture this world in such a special way through the original score she created - I’d only sent her a 15 second clip and referenced a Ryuichi Sakamoto track.

Your animation is about all those tiny versions of ourselves we have inside us... how many versions of yourself do you have?

So many! I think that everyone has tiny versions of themselves within - sometimes feeling bigger. Humans contain multitudes :)

How do you settle into creating your art – what’s the process?

I clean my work area, light some incense and put on my *working* music, which usually sounds without lyrics, nothing too overstimulating. Once I’ve got the ideas down and I’m getting into the making stage - which often feels quite subconscious - I put reality TV on in the background and smoke!

Do you ever get creative block? How do you overcome it?

ALL THE TIME. It sucks. I usually drink too much coffee. Feel like my work is shit. Freak out for a bit. Then do a really mundane task and come back to it. Repeat until the creative block has gone.

What do you hope people will feel when they watch your animation at RALLY?

I hope they feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Like a really nice hug. I hope it makes people feel connected to themselves and those around them and makes them consider what community means to them.

What can we expect from your b2b with 404 eros - you’ve played together before, what's the dynamic like?

Honestly, just so much fun, we go together really well.. They’re my favourite people to DJ with and geek out over music with. We run a night called Sweet Bwoyz, formed in respect of hip-hop and its adjacent sounds. So expect a lot of that. We’ll be having the most fun, I hope you do too :)

What else are you excited to see at RALLY? Art or music or other!

Super excited to see HiTech. And DJ Fart in the Club and Chanel Beads. Oh and Fabiana Palladino! Also can’t wait to see what Skehans are doing.

Anu plays b2b with 404 eros on the Mill House Stage. Mystery Item screens on the Channel Stage.


Mystery Item, 2024

Materials: Digital animation

Short Blurb: The mystery prize vending machine reminds us of how accepting ourselves is the gateway for building communities and love with others <3

Music: Sigourney Watson